Saturday 27 May 2017

The news #4 Making the most of the long weekend

Hi all welcome to this weeks news update.

I would like to start by sending condolences to the family and friends of all the victims of the attack I'm Manchester on Monday .

this week I have had to pack up my shed and put most of my tools into storage as the roof has gone I am hoping to find somewhere else shortly It has put my projects back slightly but I will still keep my schedule and there will still be a Project day tomorrow .

I have now gotten most of my first banggood order and I am working on reviews for them which will be in a special postbox update soon so keep an eye out for that .

the next thing to mention is that I have started a page on patreon which is a way for people to support content creators like me if you'd like to support me in making better content click here .

now on to my weekend plans are in about half hour I will be watching my beloved Chelsea in the F.A cup final then I will get on to doing a few repair jobs I have got come in one of which is repairing a BBC Mirco  which I featured on Flashback Friday yesterday.

Then on Sunday I will be doing the Project day which I hope you will enjoy . then I am planning to go to a carboot on Monday to look for future projects and spare parts which I will update you on as well possibly on here or my twitter @thedailydobby   if you would like check that out I will be starting a facebook soon as well.

hope you have a great weekend


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dobby repairs

Hi everyone I know that I haven't posted on here for quite some time  I probably won't be posting on here again for a while but I wa...

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