Sunday 28 May 2017

Project Day # 4 Bottle light

Hi guys and girls welcome another Project day this week due to the fact it is a bank holiday here in the U.K I thought I make a bottle light out of an empty beer bottle from a BBQ that I had yesterday evening. I feel I should say I have to make one little change to this I did have a 10k on the circuit but after completing it I found that it wasn't working so I had to remove it .

Parts needed 

1 switch 
2 leds
1 bottle
1 5v power supply 
1 100k resistor
2 pieces of wood one big enough to fit the bottle on and one to go inside the bottle 

step one 

Drink a bottle of beer or glass bottled drink of choice I drank a Coors light so that's what I will be using in this project I then used a Dremel  to make a hole I the bottom of the bottle (use a low speed on the Dremel and  wear safety glasses)

 Step two 

I soldered the cathode of the first led to the anode of the second 

Step three 

I soldered a wire to one pin on the switch and heat shrank it 

Step four

I then soldered the 100k resistor to the wire coming from the switch 

Step Five

I then soldered the resistor with a wire to the anode of the led pair 

Step six 

I then soldered a wire from the cathode side of the led pair to the - side of the power supply.

Step seven 

I then soldered the + side of the power supply onto the switch  and that's the wiring competed 

Step eight 

I drilled a hole in the bigger piece of wood and fitted the small piece into it I held it with super glue.

Step nine

I taped the led to the top of the small piece of wood and glue the switch in place 

Step ten 

I placed the bottle over the top and that's the project finished it's not very bright in the daylight I post a picture of it in the dark on my twitter later on today .


I think the first improvement I would  make is to paint the base then Id find a more powerful led to go in it also I would like to fit a pot so I can dim the light but I am going to use it on my bed bedside table . 

hope you enjoyed this project

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