Thursday 1 June 2017

Toolbox Thursday #5 Wire Strippers

Good afternoon folks and welcome to another Toolbox Thursday this weeks tool is Wire Strippers.

How my toolbox Thursday reviews work the first thing I will talk about is what its like to setup  then I will move on what its like to use and to where you can get one from (there may be an affiliate link if you would like to help me out ) and if its good value for money and the last thing in the review will be my overall rating of the item it will be a 5 star system with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest .


this is very easy as they come ready to go straight out the packet .


The name gives it away here  you use them for stripping wires .The pair I use have a very simple operation all you do is place the wire into the jaws and squeeze the handles and the tool takes care of the rest as  you can see from the video below . they work well and are very easy to use . they can strip a wide range of wires and leave the actual wire intact which helps when your joining wires together or wiring this into a socket . I will say the pair I have do feel a bit cheap but they perform brilliantly .

Where can you get one 

you can pick these up cheaply from a number of places I have included links to three different places below .

Ebay ( this is the pair I use)  


overall I have to gives these 4 stars for there great value and there ease of use given there affordable price tag I highly recommend that every electrical hobbyist pick a pair up.

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you liked what you've read then please check back tomorrow after 17.00gmt for another update thanks again Dobby 

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dobby repairs

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