Thursday 15 June 2017

Toolbox Thursday # 7 Dremel 3000

Good afternoon folks and welcome to another Toolbox Thursday this weeks tool is Dremel 3000

How my toolbox Thursday reviews work the first thing I will talk about is what its like to setup  then I will move on what its like to use and to where you can get one from (there may be an affiliate link if you would like to help me out ) and if its good value for money and the last thing in the review will be my overall rating of the item it will be a 5 star system with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest .


this is a very easy tool to setup simply plug it into the mains and choose the bit you would like to use and fit it into the chuck 


this model has a very handy quick change feature for the bits which I use all of the time . due to it versatile nature I find myself using in a number of ways which include cutting, sanding and drilling it has a great feel in the hand which aids in its use. the adjustable speed is the main feature I like about this tool which helps make controlled cuts in fragile materials there is also a wide range of bits available to buy and use with this machine . my one came with a number of bits as well a really nice case that is very high quality. 

Where can you get one 

there are a number of places you can pick one of these up from and I would recommend shopping around but what ever price you pay it is great value for money 


This is a fantastic tool that I can not recommend enough it works perfectly ever time my rating for it is a full 5 stars. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you liked what you've read then please check back tomorrow after 17.00BST for another update thanks again. Dobby 

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