Saturday 24 June 2017

The News #8

Good afternoon folks and welcome to this weeks news update where I talk about how my weeks gone and upcoming projects and other things.

not much news this week by the time you read this I will out for a friends birthday

the first bit of news is you can now get to the this blog via also on Facebook

this weekalso saw the first mini build I was quite pleased with it I have another one planned for next week so keep an eye out for that.

I have started planning a big arcade based project which I am thinking will have to be spread across a few weeks of project days but I'm sure it will be worth it I am very much looking forward to sharing it with you.

I also have ordered a radio kit which will be in a future project day it should be a fun also I am working on the car radio project which I am hoping to get done soon,

I am also working on some upgrades for the shed which I will be sharing with you soon one of which will be a new lighting system. I have plans to fit solar power to it as well which will be fun to do.

The research into a getting a 3d printer kit has been going well and I should be ordering it at the end of July with a view to build it for a post then have other post involving it  such as upgrades for it and making parts for other projects .

I am also hoping to get a few interviews from people in the tech and electronics world in the very near future I have a number of positive responses to the email I have sent .

that just about wraps it up for this weeks news if there is anything you like see or you would like me to change let me know I am always open to suggestions feel free to email me

This weeks post 

Don't forget to check out the daily dobby on social media Facebook   Twitter 

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you liked what you've read then please check back tomorrow after 17.00bst for another update thanks again Dobby

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dobby repairs

Hi everyone I know that I haven't posted on here for quite some time  I probably won't be posting on here again for a while but I wa...

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