Saturday 10 June 2017

The news #6

Good afternoon folks and welcome to this weeks news update where I talk about how my weeks gone and upcoming projects and other things.

this week the blog has gotten a lot of views with the project day and the toolbox Thursday post getting over 500 views each which has really made my week so thank you for that.

this week I have been working on a few different things the first id like to talk about is a designing a pcb for the water alarm circuit from this weeks circuit Monday I have been using Fritzing to do the designing and I am very close to having it ready to make . 

the next project I would like to update you on is a the bench power supply which will be on here very soon I have been working on a way to add more voltages to the power supply and now I am happy to say I have found a solution that I am happy with so I can now move on with that project.
the car radio sound system and the pi music box projects have been mothballed for the time being as I just can seem to find the motivation to work on them but I will try and get them back on track soon.

I have also been thinking about adding a tear down post to the blog probably on a bi-weekly basis but I would like to here your opinions on me doing this . I do have a few other ideas of content I would like to add to the blog . 

In other news this week here in the UK we had election which really didn't change anything leaving the country in a big mess heading into important brexit talks which is very bad for the country as a whole. also this week I have continued to look for a better job which has been an ongoing struggle for months but I am hopeful that something will turn up soon. 

Lastly I would like to talk about the Saturday special post I was very pleased with the response I got to it and I am working a more at the moment the next one being about desoldering tools which I am very excited to share with you I am also planning to do a fallow up to this weeks training Tuesday post on pcb etching which will cover me making a board from start to finish.

This weeks post 

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you liked what you've read then please check back tomorrow after 17.00gmt for another update thanks again Dobby

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dobby repairs

Hi everyone I know that I haven't posted on here for quite some time  I probably won't be posting on here again for a while but I wa...

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